Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

#Overhead Bridge Crane,#crane stress detection, #hub wear monitoring, #wire rope damage detection, #winch skipping monitoring,#fault diagnosis analysis

Traditional lifting equipment intrinsic safety testing mainly relies on manual inspection + scheduled maintenance mode, which is inefficient, unreliable, difficult to manage, and prone to under-maintenance or over-maintenance.

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

The intelligent operation and maintenance management system of Weite bridge crane uses advanced technology + practical operation and maintenance management model to improve the quality of operation and maintenance work, improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Taking the bridge crane in the stamping workshop of the automobile manufacturing industry as an example, the system mainly consists of seven parts: illegal intrusion system for people in the work area, crane stress detection, hub wear monitoring, wire rope damage detection, winch skipping monitoring, fault diagnosis analysis, large Data software platform and driver behavior monitoring, etc.

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

An Introduction

1. Illegal intrusion by personnel in the work area

Because the on-site operating environment is relatively complex, it is based on the AI vision system. The camera captures the live video below the hook, sends an audible and visual alarm when entering the hook area, and shouts to drive away those who have illegally entered the hook area.

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

2.  crane stress detection

The bridge crane mainly monitors the stress changes of the main beam and end beam. Through the changes of the stress points during the operation of the trolley, it analyzes whether there are upward and downward winding trends in the steel structure and the tendency of cracks in the steel structure.

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

3. hub wear monitoring

The hub wear monitoring system developed by Weite can set the usage threshold of the equipment hub. When the equipment hub reaches the threshold, the equipment will alarm and remind the maintenance personnel to carry out the equipment maintenance plan.

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

4. wire rope damage detection

The wire rope online detection equipment collects status data of the in-service wire rope and can accurately identify various damages such as broken wires, wear, corrosion, fatigue, deformation, etc., enabling online monitoring of the status of the wire rope and analysis of the degree of damage.

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

5. Monitoring of hoisting trolley skipping rope

Vision system based on AI video learning and algorithms. The working video status of the on-site winch is mainly captured through the camera, and the abnormal status of the wire rope during the work of the winch is analyzed through the algorithm software implanted on the PC.

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

6. fault diagnosis system

Conduct online diagnosis and analysis of rotating transmission components such as motors, reducers, and bearings of workshop bridge cranes. The system supports simultaneous acquisition and diagnosis of multiple equipment and multiple measuring points.

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

7. large Data software platform

Based on the pain points during the operation of the crane, Weite Technology has developed a big data monitoring platform, established an equipment production operation and maintenance support system, and used advanced IoT sensing technology and intelligent software algorithms to complete unmanned and independent inspections of the intrinsic safety of the equipment, reducing points. Check the difficulty, intensity and workload of operation and maintenance work, digitize information transmission, and streamline process management.

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

Solution | Bridge crane intelligent operation and maintenance management system

