International Standards! The Expert Review Meeting on the Two Draft International Standards for Cranes Co-Organized by Weite was Successfully Held.

Sep. 20, 2024

International Standards! The Expert Review Meeting on the Two Draft International Standards for Cranes Co-Organized by Weite was Successfully Held.

This international standard meeting was hosted by China Three Gorges Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. and co-organized by Weite Technology Co., Ltd. 

It was chaired by Lin Fukui, director of the Standard Work Department of the Beijing Institute of Cranes, project leader of the above two crane 

international standards and convener of the international working group. 

Weite General Manager Gao Yumin attended the meeting and discussed the draft standards and modification suggestions with experts from the production, 

use and inspection of crane professional fields. The meeting unanimously approved the relevant documents of the above two crane international standards 

and achieved complete success.

International Standards! The Expert Review Meeting on the Two Draft International Standards for Cranes Co-Organized by Weite was Successfully Held.

It is reported that my country has taken the lead in issuing and researching 17 international standards for cranes, of which 9 have been issued and 8 are under research. China has actively contributed to the development of international standardization of cranes, promoted the improvement of global crane quality and safety, and international trade exchanges.

